Monday 15 October 2012

Weary Tales of a Mother

This morning my alarm went off a 6am as it does every school day for my children and as habit I hit the snooze two times. The third and finally time my alarm went off I stumble out of bed telling my self you must get up your kids can't be late for school.  As a  puffy eyed (thank you daddy for swollen puppy eyes the older I get), bad breathed, unsure footed mama I throw some clothes on and head into my boys room to wake them and get them ready for school. Now if any one knows me I am not much of a morning person and above all I hate noise in the morning I need a good hour before I have any body talking to me none stop due to that my poor boys eat in silence as I shoo sh them every time they get two loud. Though like this morning it does always happen quick enough and they wake their ever jabbering baby sister who doesn't stop talking the moment she rolls out of bed. Hence this mama needs her darling princess to get at least an hours more worth the beauty sleep then her mama.

Now on morning like these I fight the ever battling "Davis temper in me". I begin to feel it rising in me saying everything is irritating me, everyone just needs to leave me along I just was some quiet time!!!!!!!!! Now if you are a mama of three those demands are very much unable to be met. So the choice are give in and be grumpy, yelling, irritated mama today or find away to let go of the anger and allow peace in my life. Sadly to many times to mention I have choose the grumpy path but, today I had such a distaste in my mouth for this weakness of mine I was determined to give this weariness and lack of peace to the Lord.

I sat down with a little devotional I had just picked up that gives your scriptures to pray over your self in specific situations. So I looked up weariness...

He gives power to those who are tired and worn out; He offers strength to the weak. Even youth will be come exhausted,  and young men will give up. But those who wait on the Lord will find new strength. They will fly high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint.
Isaiah 40:29-31
This is the beautiful scripture that they start with; now this is a very familiar scripture to me because when I was in ministry school I use to scream it out as I ran a 5am in the morning and was "beating my body and making it my slave". But, today as a mother this scripture was so much more then just a way to motivate me to run past my weary, weak body but, to know that my loving heavenly Father wants to take my weary self as a mother who is finding it hard to truly put my children needs above my own. We are taught as mother to always put our kids needs above our own, to love them unconditionally, to never let our selfishness lead our choices and ways of mothering. But, by golly that is hard. That is one of the hardest thing I have and am working on in my life and quite frankly many days it is impossible for me because I am to weak. So as I read that scripture to day I feel the loving gently urging of the Holy Spirit saying; Sarah this is the weakness the Lord means too..He will give you strength today to move past your irritation, your tiredness, your anger... That he will give you the wings to mount up on and I can soar as a mother and love my children and guide them beyond my abilities but, with His strength, His love, His temperament. 

I cling to this today because today I am tired, to day I am weak, to day anger is lurking around the corner!!!!!!!!! 

Wednesday 7 March 2012

Simply Things In Life

  Living here South Africa I am learning to enjoy the simple things in life. One thing I hated more then anything in the States is starting to be a joy here... aka the dreadful laundry!  I use to literally let loads and loads of laundry pile up and finally I would say ok, ok Sarah today is the day you must con core mount stinky-more. (Cause hello when your house is out numbered by boys you could smell that nasty laundry miles away!) Then I would spend the whole day sighing and moaning as I wash-fold-put away.  Plus I would always find clothes I forgot were in the washer waiting for me with a musty aroma that would take several washes to get rid of. Hence my hatred for laundry!

  Now here in South Africa dryers are very uncommon and if you do have one you use it only when necessary. Seeing as my husband is needs only kind of guy we still have not purchased a tumbler (as they call them here).  I quickly came to learn I can not let my lovely laundry pile up, because with out a dryer there is no way to knock that laundry out in one day. So my new daily routine is  as soon as I wake to throw a load of laundry into the washer so that in hour (cause for some reason they take a lot longer to wash here) I will be able to hang my first load of laundry and then get my second one in before it is to late for the clothes to dry by the end of the day. Oddly enough this way seems way more difficult then in the States yet, I enjoy it is much more. I dont' know if it is the accomplishing something so early in the day that I feel I have been a successful stay at home mom or the peace and tranquillity of hang the clothes up in the fresh air with the sun beating on my head. Or that I feel connected with my pioneer roots or maybe I watched to many Amish movies and Little House on the Prairie when I was little that sub consionsly I have always longed to do things in a simply efficient way? Whatever it is  laundry is still not a joy in my life but, it has become strangely refreshing here in South Africa.

  I guess we as woman have been doing laundry for years and will continue to wash and keep our loved ones clean for years to come.  I am just grateful for all the Lord has blessed me with and that I don't have to wash as the majority of the world does!


Sunday 22 January 2012

The Start of Something New

I have been contemplating starting a blog as we embark on this new chapter in our lives that the Lord has begun to write for us and the more I contemplate the more I feel it is a good thing!  I have never been known for my writing skills so bare with me. The one thing I am known for is sitting and having coffee or tea with the beautiful people the Lord has brought in my life and just talking about life, the Lord and His heart. So with all that said that is my purpose for this blog is to sit and have coffee with those I am unable to physically do that with here in South Africa!